

Client Testimonials

Hear What Our Clients Say About Us

The oil smells great.

I've been using the super-growth hair oil for a little under a year, and all I can say is that it is amazing! The oil smells great. My hair feels very healthy and silky at all times after each use. I like that it is versatile and that I can either leave it on for a few hours and wash it or put some on my ends after a shower to smooth my hair a little if it feels frizzy. It is probably the best hair product out there that I have ever used, and I have tried many. I am glad it is free from unnecessary and harmful chemicals and is loaded with natural ingredients that nourish my hair and scalp. I highly recommend this product to everyone with all types of hair.

Liana Williams

I am buying the second bottle.

I was a bit skeptical when I first purchased super growth hair oil for my mom, but now, I am buying the second bottle. She has alopecia and has been slowly losing hair over the past few years. I was searching for a solution and tried so many other products of high-end brands, but none of them saved her a single hair. Then, someone told me about the Biotin tablet. It helped her a little bit, but she still had a few patches where there was no hair growth; then, a friend suggested their super-growth hair oil. This oil is honestly a miracle for her. My mom's hair stopped falling out in the shower within the first couple of weeks of using this hair oil. Slowly, her hair began growing on that bald patch as well. One thing I forgot to mention is that it smells so amazing. Definitely worth a try!

Ana Morris

Excellent Product!!

I'm 26 years old, and I'm losing more hair than I should be. I started seeing my scalp around the front area due to stress. I've heard a lot of good reviews on Cloves moisturizing shampoo and conditioner by Afrogarnics, but I was still doubtful that it would work. I decided to try this shampoo and conditioner. I was shocked by the results. My God. Not only has my hair been falling out less and less, but it looks thicker and shiny. Plus, these products smell amazing and make my hair feel healthy and good, so I don't have to wash it as often as I used to wash it. I highly recommend this brand to anyone facing the same issue as mine.

James Spencer

Highly recommended!

My hair is dry and frizzy, and it breaks so easily. There are so many detanglers available in the market, but no synthetic product suits me, which is why I was searching for an organic product. I've been looking for a detangler that can make my hair softer and smoother but is made of natural ingredients. My cousin recommended Afrogarnic's Ambunu and Clove Detangler. This product did an incredible job of taking the tangles out. I have long hair, so I have to use a lot of it, and it's affordable, so I don't need to think a lot before spending on this hair detangler. The pump spray always works right, and I don't have to really work at it to get any to come out. Highly recommended!

Taylor Tyson

my hair felt amazing!

I'm a model. Every other day, my hair goes through high heat. One day, my hair was badly damaged by the mistreatment of a hairstylist who used unbearably high temperatures to blow dry it. I had been trying really hard to restore moisture, shine, and softness to my hair for months. Just after one use of the coconut and mango shea butter mask, my hair felt amazing! I couldn't stop touching my hair after the treatment because it was so soft and smooth; it literally felt like silk. It makes my hair look more volumized. When you open the jar, the aroma of coconut will make you feel fresh. I would highly recommend this product to everyone. Thank you!

Samantha Even

Using this mask feels like a luxurious spa treatment. My hair has become noticeably thicker, softer, and incredibly shiny! Moreover, the avocado hair mask not only works wonders but also has an amazing scent that adds to the experience.

Sarah Jones

I absolutely adore their clove moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. After just one use, my hair looks and feels amazing. The best part is that they're made from all-natural, organic ingredients, making them perfect for those like me who prefer natural remedies. I eagerly anticipate the continued benefits of using this shampoo and conditioner.

Margot Roberts

I can't stop using their super hair growth oil. I apply it before washing my hair and leave it on for 2 hours. This nourishing oil does wonders for my scalp without making it too oily and keeps dandruff at bay. I highly recommend it!

Georgia Bieber

I had heard many rave reviews about the results of the coconut and mango shea butter, but I was skeptical until I tried it myself. To my surprise, my hair became noticeably smoother and shinier after just three uses! What's more, its buttery, soft texture makes it a breeze to apply.

Raymond John

The chebe hair growth butter feels amazing. I initially bought it to address dryness on my scalp, but it also works wonders on the rest of my hair. I've been eagerly looking forward to trying their shampoo and conditioner as well.

Diana Blake

The clove moisturizing shampoo and conditioner smelled fabulous and left my hair perfectly clean and well-conditioned. The all-natural ingredients make a real difference by cleansing without weighing down my hair, unlike products with overpowering scents. It's truly a great product!

Eva Thompson

My curly hair is often hard to manage, but their flaxseed & cloves edge control gel has become my go-to product. It does an exceptional job of holding my curls, and my friends are always curious about my secret. Plus, it's incredibly easy to apply, thanks to the included brush. A must-try!

Lillie White

My hair tends to get very frizzy, but their Ambunu & clove detangler spray worked wonders, making it a breeze to comb through even the toughest knots. This detangler spray is effective in both wet and dry conditions, thanks to its watery consistency. It also has a pleasant scent. I highly recommend it and plan to buy it again.

Darla Kevin

My hair tends to be oily, and the clove moisturizing shampoo has proven to be a game-changer. It provides a deep cleanse without leaving any residue on my scalp, leaving my hair looking softer and shinier. What's more, it keeps my hair oil-free for up to 32 hours, which is a significant reason I continue to use it regularly.

Aron Shalbey

This was the fifth Ambunu & clove detangler spray I've tried on my daughter's hair, which easily gets tangled. With this product, I found I only needed a small amount to help with the brushing process, preventing her hair from getting too wet. I can't recommend it enough!

Jullie Perris

I suffered from traction alopecia for over 15 years, I tried so many things out there, but nothing really worked. After using the Super Growth hair and oil set (steps 1&2) from Afrogarnics, I saw about 80 % hair growth and can now wear my own natural hair instead of wigs. The secret is consistency.

Mary E

My daughter used to have severe itchy scalp, it affected her so much that I had to try many things with little to no results. Using the Super Growth hair spray and oil from Afrogarnics, I noticed a change, just after 4 days of using the products, she stopped scratching her head and sleeps through the night.

Liah L

My father was experiencing baldness at the center of his head, Afrogarnics hair growth set helped to restore his hair. He used it consistently and we saw results on the 10th day. He is very excited and thankful for using something that actually works and very organic and safe.

Edna B
Afrogarnics Hair Care products for hair loss restoration

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